✨ The purpose of this Training it to initiate you into the Master energy of the Angelic Reiki.
✨ It is available to those who have received the Angelic Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 cleansings and attunements.
✨ It is for those ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or with a veiw to becoming an Angelic Reiki Master practitioner or teacher.
✨ It is not a teacher training, but a stepping stone along your Angelic Reiki journey.
This training really support practitioners to step up on their journey!
You will Learn, Receive and Experience:
* Two Angelic Reiki cleansings and attunements
* One Archangelic initiation and blessing
* A further understanding of the nature of Angelic Energy
* The group connection, support and learning
* Two extra healing methods
* At least three practical healing exchanges
* Your Master Crystal attuned to Levels 3 & 4
* Angelic Reiki Masters Manual
* Certificate for Masters Degree Angelic Reiki